Teenager Shot in Kansas City for Showing Up to the Wrong House

Brooke Wilensky, Copy Editor

Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old Black teenager from Kansas City, Mo. was shot on the evening of April 13 in the head and arm after showing up at the wrong house while picking up his younger brothers. His parents gave him an address on 115 Terrace but mistakenly showed up at a house on 115 Street, where the homeowner shot him after ringing the doorbell.

Yarl was initially shot after opening the door and took a second shot after falling to the ground. Yarl stood up and ran from the property, but it took three different homes until he received assistance. 

The unidentified shooter was taken into custody and released after 24 hours as the police worked to gather more evidence.

Protesters have taken to the streets, chanting phrases such as “Justice for Ralph” and “Black Lives Matter.” 

Yarl currently remains in stable condition but has a long road of healing ahead.