Tips for Black Friday 2020

Amy-Grace Shapiro and Kate Markus

The Friday after Thanksgiving, landing on Nov. 27 this year, marks an infamous holiday Black Friday. Black Friday, known for long lines, big sales and good prices,  will look different this year. Many wonder how stores plan to follow social distancing guidelines set by the Center for Disease Control, especially on a day when stores typically fill up to maximum capacity. 

This year, stores plan on limiting capacity to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure a safer shopping experience. Multiple stores have guidelines already set in place, including Walmart, Old Navy and many more. Researching ways to stay safe in the midst of crowds remains imperative to this years’ Black Friday experience. 

Below are ways to stay safe while hitting the sales:

  1. Wear a protective face covering that remains tightly secured over the nose and under the chin at all times.
  2. Wear a face shield for extra protection.
  3. Clean hands with at least a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer prior to entering and leaving stores. 
  4. Limit touching anything in stores, and sanitize your hands if you do.
  5. Maintain six feet distance from others at all times, and avoid large crowds.
  6. Shop from home! Many stores have online sales for Black Friday that last through Cyber Monday.

Many Miami Palmetto Senior High students plan to continue shopping this Black Friday by taking extra precautions for their own safety.

“For Black Friday this year, I’m probably going to shop online because of COVID-19, but if some stores are on the safer side I’ll go in and make sure to wear a mask and keep social distance,” Palmetto sophomore and Black Friday shopper Miah Ishwaran said.

Some may go Black Friday shopping not for clothing nor electronics, but in the spirit of giving. 

AP World History teacher Julianne Farkas and her family host an annual drive for Camillus House during the Thanksgiving holiday. 

“I will probably go on Target and look for deals for the Camillus House. I may also go on Amazon to see what else is on sale. We really need toys; we have certain age groups of kids we need them for and I think this year of all years they need to know someone is thinking about them,” Farkas said.

Whether you plan to shop in-person or online, for yourself or for others, this Black Friday, staying safe is most important. For more information regarding how to stay safe, click here.