What’s in store for our new First Lady or Gentleman?

Atilla Dos Santos, Staff Writer

As all the attention in the closing days of this bumpy presidential election focuses on the two candidates, it may be fair to ask what Bill Clinton and Melania Trump would do as first gentleman and first lady if their spouse gets elected on Nov. 8.

If Hillary Clinton wins the election, her husband would be the first first gentleman in the history of the United States. Though the position of first lady does not have an official job description, it traditionally comes with giving up previous jobs, overseeing ceremonies and social gatherings in the White House and advocating for one usually apolitical cause.

Bill Clinton would change this implied role as he could serve as an advisor for Mrs. Clinton, being a former president and thus having the experience in office. Hillary Clinton suggested during her campaign event in Fort Mitchell on May 15 that she could put him in charge of revitalizing the economy, but that remains a suggestion for now. Furthermore, he will probably continue to work on the Clinton Foundation, which collects donations in order to perform community service actions such as donating to charities. Bill Clinton, as the inaugural first gentleman, would most likely take on his new role differently than first ladies before him.

Melania Trump has little experience in politics. Nevertheless if Donald Trump wins the election, she plans to avidly fight against cyber-bullying, as she stated during her first speech during the National Convention on Nov. 3. She is expected to maintain tradition in the White House, as opposed to Bill Clinton. According to msnbc.com, she aspires to be a good mother and wife, raising her children without nannies and respecting a traditional homemaker’s sphere of influence.

In both cases we cannot fully know what the possible first lady or gentleman’s plan is, but in a couple of hours, we will find out.