Six Ways to Become a People Person

Brianne Guanaga, Photographer

For teenagers who do not necessarily define themselves as a “people person,” it seems rather difficult to express or communicate with strangers or even acquaintances in social situations. No matter how much we try to feel comfortable around a group of people, it seems as if we fail to communicate, always thinking of the different ways to quietly exit a room without anyone noticing. Although there is no magic potion or genie to grant the wish of not being “socially awkward,” here are six steps that will hopefully help you become a people person.

1. Instead of staying home in your own bubble, go out

The comfortability of staying at home on the weekends and binge-watching Netflix shows seems ideal, but instead, call up a friend and get out of your house for awhile. Whether taking a trip to Deering Estate, watching the sunset or hanging out at someone’s house, you may enjoy yourself more hanging out with friends than staying at home by yourself. It also helps you become more comfortable with talking to people.

2. Make new friends

Most of the kids in high school remain the kids you have grown up with and have been around since Kindergarten, but start talking to the people who you would not necessarily talk to on the daily. Closing your mind off and staying with your best friends throughout high school feels safe but branching out of your social group will help in college and adulthood. Try talking to the person in your class who you always asks you for paper because who knows? They could end up becoming a lifelong friend.

3. Social gatherings

If you are that person who sits on the couch on their phone during a social event, break that habit and start introducing yourself to people around you. Of course it may be difficult to just start talking to strangers but try to find something in common with someone. Put your phone away, get up and start socializing. After all, you are at a hangout for a reason.

4. Get to know your acquaintances better

When we were younger, it was fairly easy to just make a friend. As we get older, we realize what the definition of a good friend means, always picking ours carefully. If you currently want to get closer to an acquaintance or mutual friend, invite them to lunch or that new coffee shop around the corner. Keep branching out and find new opportunities to hangout with those you normally would not hangout with. The worst they can say is no and although rejection seems bad, it is absolutely not the end of the world.

  1. Comfort Zone

Everyone has a comfort zone, but once that zone becomes a wall–barring others from entry–it can get boring and somewhat lonely. Start getting out of your comfort zone and that bubble you love to trap yourself in. It is okay to make new friends and it is okay to be alone sometimes but try to become friendlier with those around you.

Becoming a people person can be overwhelming for those who only know the comfort of their own personal bubble, but making new friends and branching out feels so rewarding after and you will later begin to wonder why you ever trapped yourself into that bubble in the first place.