Programming your future

Agnes Bartha, Staff Writer

In the fall of 2015 Miami Palmetto Senior High School plans on introducing a new course; AP Computer Science. Taught by Mr. Hector Echeverria, the course will teach hands-on design skills and implement  various computer programs. Students themselves will have the opportunity to create programs to solve math problems, do animation and games and produce simulators of real life events. The following self-evaluation created by Mr. Echeverria shows students a piece of what the class is made of;

7 Indicators that you will be a good computer programmer

1-Do you pay attention to details?

2-Did you see the mistake in the previous line?

3-Have you spent 4 or more hours doing math homework?

5-Do you follow instructions step-by-step?

6-Do you give instructions step-by-step?

7-Did you see that 4 is missing from this list?


If answered “yes” for all questions, the option of calling tech support in one’s adult life should subside while 130 career opportunities  and nearly 50 college majors  arise once the class has fulfilled its purpose.

“This will be a rigorous, college-level class that will give you the skills to write complex applications in the field of your choice, like gaming, hacking, finance, hacking, sports, hacking, business, hacking, education, and don’t forget hacking,” said Echeverria.

To those interested in the course and more particularly the hacking, hacking and hacking parts of it, the name Jonathan James  may sound familiar. Jonathan James made it on the MPSH Hall of Fame (and the federal authority’s most wanted list) after hacking into computers of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and United States Department of Defense at age 15.

In order to master the techniques of Jonathan James and secure a position on the Miami Palmetto Senior High Hall of Fame, one must have completed Algebra 2 Honors and be at least a junior. The class shows its availability to all incoming seniors on the subject selection form, where the humor and knowledge mashup should be anticipated.